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Manheim, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, October 13, 2017

Teachers as Guides for Learning

   Recently, I presented to a group of colleagues during a PD day. About two-thirds of the way into the presentation, I realized that I was hardly leading the session. I was not the answer bearer and knowledge imparter. The knowledge and learning was coming from the participants. Each of these educators shared ideas with the group and asked meaningful questions. Each of them brought experience and information to the room that I could not offer. 

   When the session ended, I left the room feeling energized. I could not comprehend exactly how it occurred, but I did know why: We were a community of learners, we taught each other, and we were comfortable sharing what we did not know. That openness with what we do not know is where real learning begins.

   This is what students should be doing in our classrooms, feeling comfortable enough to share their confusions and questions, and then comfortable still with working collaboratively to discover solutions and create meaning. The teacher becomes the guide for student learning. The group of teachers modeled for me this past week what student learning can be, and for that, I am grateful.

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